Monday, August 4, 2008

Speaker Shopping Do's and Don'ts

Audio system is here to stay with improvement catching up everyday. There is an audio system to meet everyone's needs. While choosing a speaker we look for quality sound. A variety of speakers are available in the market ranging from big ones, to small ones and mid-sized ones. Usually it is the big sized speakers that provide the listener with a quality sound and power for a home theater system. But recent advancements have made some of the smallest speakers sound great.

Buying a quality speaker can be very difficult. The first requirement is to have discerning eyes and ears. You can get satisfying sound from a variety of speakers that fit every sound and decor that you may be actually looking for. Hence, eyes and ears should be sharp to spot the difference. As a buyer you should be skeptical of any text on the front of speaker boxes themselves. Charts, graphs and meaningless exclamations are sure signs of low quality speakers. Speakers should have a single label on the back reading the model, the name of the manufacturer, and minimal technical information about the speaker. So, keep a note.

Speakers are not cheap. You may have invested in a high quality entertainment system and a cheap low sound quality speaker. You lose the bargain. A good set of speakers is crucial for the performance of a home entertainment system or any system for that matter. If your speakers are not good, even a set of twenty speakers cannot replace just two good quality speakers. In simple words, your system will only be good if the speakers sound great.

One of the most important things you should do when shopping for speakers is to write down the make and model number. Then do a little research online, to find out what the owners of the speaker system say. You can also do comparisons with other brands that are available in the market in terms of price and sound advantages.

Another important thing that you should bear in mind before you buy speakers for yourself is to spend time to listen to several speaker systems to decide what you want. But don't just listen to the music or soundtracks the store has or that is played to you. The best way to judge a speaker is to hear how it reproduces the human voice.

If it is speakers for the home entertainment system that you are investing in then opt for a deal that comes along with the speakers. Many manufacturers sell all five or more speakers together, with a smaller center channel and surrounds. The advantage of these speakers is that they are designed to work well together.

The speakers should also have identical power ratings and frequency ranges when set to work for a five point one setting. They are so called because of five full-range speaker channels functioning together. Look for ranges starting at 60 to 100 hertz for the low sounds and up to 20 kilohertz for the high sounds, and leave the really low bass for a subwoofer to reproduce. Some center-channel and surround speakers may have narrower frequency ranges, as they don't normally reproduce some lower sounds.

Lastly, when you go speaker shopping don't be influenced by words like 'this is the better system.' If one speaker sounds better to you, go for it. You are the one who is going to be hearing it day in and day out. But be sure to take other things into consideration, such as the room decor and layout, and consult your electronics dealer when in doubt.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for music gear, speakers, and microphones. You can find the best marketplace for music gear, speakers, and microphones at these 3 sites: music gear, music, speakers, high quality.

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Grow and Save Your Way to Success

In our era of consumerism and "spend-all" society, it is difficult to imagine how it is even possible to save your way to success, not considering how difficult it may be to save anything at all! From the time we are little kids, babies even, we are bombarded with ads and the mind-set of spend, buy, consume, and buy some more and acquire a load of debt so you can buy even more. We have lost the poignant fact of spending less equals more. If we learn how to change our mindset from consume and spend to save and grow, we will be able to use saving as the foundation to our financial success.

How can we begin to change our mindset from "spender" to "saver?"

1. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. If we stop buying the new clothes, new furniture, eating at the new restaurants, seeing all the latest movies, concerts and theatre, buying the latest tech gadget or a new car, we will be able save a tremendous amount of money.

2. Stop living the rat race. When we slow down, just a little bit, we have a tremendous relief of stress, more time, and enjoy life more. This translates in more time to cook at home, or make a sack lunch versus eating out. We have more time to contemplate our purchases, whether it is something small or large. We will also probably worry less about finances and will be able to concentrate more on how we can increase our financial situation.

3. Work on eliminating all consumer debt. Many of us try to use debt to grow our way to financial success. Some debt is good, such as for a house, investment property, business, but consumer debt is a severe detriment to your reaching your financial success.

4. Study your lifestyle and change it accordingly. Our spending habits are a reaction to our daily habits and our personality.

5. Stop believing the misconception you are saving money when you buy something on sale! You are not saving money, you are spending money. You may be buying the item at a reduced price, but you are still spending money to have yet another shirt in your closet, another trinket in your home, a cup of coffee, or the latest tech gadget. You are financially worse off because you now have less money in your pocket.

6. Start saving money. Start paying yourself FIRST before you use your income for anything else. Pay yourself first. Don't give your money away to anyone else before you give yourself some. Start with only $20 a week, or $10 a week, but start, and do it every week. You will grow the habit of saving money, of paying yourself first, and begin to turn yourself into a saver.

If you have always found it difficult to save money, maybe you need to first look at your own mindset. Are you a "saver" or a "spender? And begin adjusting how you live from there.

Justin P. Ertelt is the author of Saving Your Way to Success, and owner of, helping others learn the importance of saving money and financial planning, and helping others achieve financial success. To learn more visit

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